Pamela Turner Pics
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Abuse Cases Face Double Standard
Pamela Turner Pictures AKA Pamela Rogers Turner pics

Pamela Turner Miss Nitro Pics

Abuse Cases Face Double Standard
Pamela Turner Pictures AKA Pamela Rogers Turner pics

Pamela Turner Miss Nitro Pics

Pamela Turner Pics Pamela Rogers Turner pictures
Support "Starving College Students" on our costs you nothing and helps us out Big Time.......Thanks & be sure to check homepage for updates on the case. C yaaaaaaaaaa
She's so hot! That lucky 13 year old shouldn't co-operate with the authorities! He's the one who 'gets' more from this relationship!
"she's so hot"?!
that's your reaction to a grown woman that has sex with a 13 year old child.
"She's a sick bitch" would be more appropriate.
"sick bitch" how would you feel being a straight 13 year old boy who got to have sex with that "sick bitch". pretty f*ck'n good, thats how. she could do me if i was still in dipers
Man if i was that kid id do anything to keep that secret away from the authorities. id let am women like that do anything to me. the only people that get mad at her is the kids mom and other women. his dad should have been damn proud.
How come I never had teachers like her.
Lucky kid, some of us had to use porn at 13, he gets the real deal.
That kid is one lucky sob
warning: this is totally inappropriate.
i'm a straight cute girl in my early 20's and even i would do her. she is hot! good for the 13 year old. that'll be a story he'll be telling for years.
To all you sick bastards and bitches who envy the 13 yr. older, I have this to say. You all should receive just what that sick bitch should receive...a bullet square to the back of the head. Just goes to show that there are more child molesters reading this blog than one can imagine!
First off to the ladies who say she's a sick b!tch HELLO your not a thirteen yr old boy. In my neighborhood growing up any of us guys would have chewed off a finger to do that, seriously, and never would have said a damn thing about it to anyone. Hell I would have let my grades drop on purpose for a quarter and told my mom I was there to get help "a little private tutoring" with my work. Not only do I feel that she shouldn't be punished I think the kids dad should thank her for giving his son a life lesson that usually can't be taught in school. Further the last chick that was cool with it DAMN, whether you actually are hot or not you now just became that totally cool hot chick in my mind.
I'm a 15 year old male and I would fucking love to tap that! Are you kidding? That dude got the best of this. I lost my virginity at 13 to my bestfriend's chubby cousin, I most likely will have the same "emotional scarring" as this lucky fucker but I never got to pipe Ms. Nitro 1997. I agree that that teacher is probably mad nutty and emotionally as well as psychologically unstable, but three cheers for insanity! I should only hope to cum accross a teacher like that (pun way intended). Later haters!
blame the media!
van halen - "i'm hot for teacher.."
queen latifah - "age is nothing but a number"
mick jagger - "well I can see that your just 13 yrs old - but I don't wanna see your ID"
ya she is hot but why not me is all I have to say?
Pamela lets play pretend... I am now 12 roflmao
Anonymous said...
blame the media!
van halen - "i'm hot for teacher.."
queen latifah - "age is nothing but a number"
mick jagger - "well I can see that your just 13 yrs old - but I don't wanna see your ID"
Dude, you were only right about one of those songs, the van halen one, the second one "age ain't nothin' but a number" was actually an Aliyah song (you know that rotting, maget infested corpse?) Also I'm not sure if Mick Jagger actually wrote a song like that...but R. Kelly definitely did, then he pissed on a 15 year old girl...what a classy classy fellow.
DAMMIT! I want to go back to school.
Seriously, as a male at 13 I would have loved to have intercourse with her. To those that are so agast, remember it was not long ago that we married at 13-16 and you were and "old maid" at 18. Plus,unlike Man/girl sex, the "scarring" that happens in Woman/boy sex is generally caused by the over-reations of the other adults in the situation (usually the mother). In Man/girl sex there is truly some physical issues as well as a power issues. These are less prevalent in Woman\boy sex. We have a double standard in this country when it comes to boys and girls. We encourage sex in males but we want our girls puritanical. Some countries "initiate" boys into manhood via sex with a woman. And other countries have ages of consent at 14.
"She came on like a dream; peaches and cream; lips like strawberry wine. He's 13, she's beautiful, and doing time."
Wow…. honestly what has our "society" come to? I would bet that every one of you guys/girls that think it is some honor to do a “hot” teacher at 13 has some type of emotional(possibly immaturity) problem. Most of you are probably low life cyber stalkers that have nothing better to do than sit here and root a child on! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I’m astounded that I am one of the few that is appalled at this circumstance; however, my intelligence most likely surpasses those of you. It is so apparent that this is VERY WRONG and I would highly recommended “those of you” that can’t decipher that seek professional help immediately!
MC, 19
I think Im in LOVE!!!
god bles you Pam...I am counting down the days til your free and then feel free to look me up..Dont worry about all those jealous haters in the world. Rock on baby.
This story's a sad one.. as are most comments left on this board but then again what do you expect from the internet. A 13 year old is in no way emtionally able to give consent regarding having sex be it a male or a female. I feel for the kid cause it will leave an emotional scar. Remember that Pam was MARRIED when this happened so I also feel bad for her husband and the pain and betrayal he must have felt. There's also the boy's and Pam's family both who have to deal with all the harm that's come from this. Cool ...I think not. This lady has some serious mental issues even if she's "hot" looking.
Look the difference between a 13 year old boy and a 13 year old girl is that the boy doesn't regret doing the 28 yr old HOTTIE afterward and most would go back over and over. Boys are not forced to do it they go there willfully and Lustfully. You can believe that they don't know what there getting into if you want but you'd be wrong. They know and don't care.
Ha. Okay let me let ya'll in a little secret. This is horrible and you guys that claim that 13 years old boys want this to happen and would never be forced into anything they didn't want to do sexually. Well when I was 12 I had a neighbor that was an older girl who on several occasions pressured me into sexual activities. I was in no way, shape or form, emotionally ready for anything like that and for the years to follow my childhood, I had severe depression as well as countless hours of therapy. The pressure on boys to think, hey Im cool and experienced is ridiculous and sad. Anyone claiming that a child (boys) are completely happy with this opportunity should consider that unless they are exposed to this first hand, should not develop their own idea of what every boy wants!
"Look the difference between a 13 year old boy and a 13 year old girl is .."
Thirteen is still thirteen and yes this was molestation plain and simple. Victims of child abuse will argue with you about whether a 13 year old is capable of informed consent.. and you'd lose a minor simply can't make that choice.
AMEN! To the comment above!
"Wow…. honestly what has our "society" come to? I would bet that every one of you guys/girls that think it is some honor to do a “hot†teacher at 13 has some type of emotional(possibly immaturity) problem. Most of you are probably low life cyber stalkers that have nothing better to do than sit here and root a child on! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I’m astounded that I am one of the few that is appalled at this circumstance; however, my intelligence most likely surpasses those of you. It is so apparent that this is VERY WRONG and I would highly recommended “those of you†that can’t decipher that seek professional help immediately!
MC, 19"
I find this posters comments interesting. This person seems to be accusing everyone who differs with their opinion to be emotionally immature, unintelligent and cyber-stalkers. That is amusing since most of the world doesn't see woman/boy sex in the same light as Man/girl sex. If you need proof look at the sentences that a man gets in comparison to a woman in the same kind of cases. The argument of the boy being emotionally secure is a perilous argument because emotional security might never come. I know plenty of 35 yo that are not emotionally healthy. That doesn't even speak to the fact that sex doesn't have to have a heavy emotional connection. If you don't believe that ask any college student that "hooks up" at a club. Most men actually begin having sex or sexual feelings at 11-13 and are driven by them for the rest of their lives even if they are emotionally immature. As to the "wrongness" that the poster states, it is relative to your circumstances. I know as I had a sexual encounter with an older woman (a manager at work)when I was 15 and it didn't "scar" me. Though my wife thanks her for some of the training she gave me.
"Well when I was 12 I had a neighbor that was an older girl who on several occasions pressured me into sexual activities. I was in no way, shape or form, emotionally ready for anything like that and for the years to follow my childhood, I had severe depression as well as countless hours of therapy."
You are discussing coercive rape, not consensual sex. These are two different things. If the boy was forced then it is rape, not sex. Not to discount your feelings but is it possible that something else caused "years of depression and therapy?" Generally unless it was a violent attack I doubt that that was a singular cause of your depression.
When I was about 15, my friend's mom hit on me. While at the time it would have seemed like a great thing, I know now that it would have done damage to me that would have lasted a lifetime. I'm glad I didn't do her, although now I sometimes fantasize about it. I did enough stupid and destructive things later without adding that to it. I would have been a real mess later if I had started doing her at that age.
You are discussing coercive rape, not consensual sex. These are two different things. If the boy was forced then it is rape, not sex. Not to discount your feelings but is it possible that something else caused "years of depression and therapy?" Generally unless it was a violent attack I doubt that that was a singular cause of your depression.
Don't assume anything about my life or what went on. That is just ignorant. I was pressured and confused about what I was doing. I did go along with it because I was too scared to say NO. Over time it was just a thing we did. Emotionally I was not prepared. Now lets think about what you are saying. Are you saying that because this child agreed to have sexual relations with this woman it was okay? How do you know that he did not have the same feelings as I did? As a matter of fact, if it were okay to him, then tell me why charges are being pressed against her? If it were okay (him giving consent) why is legal action taking place? Also, unless you are a registered therapist don't demean me with your theories about my condition at the time. You do not know me. Nor have any right.
"Wow…. honestly what has our "society" come to? I would bet that every one of you guys/girls that think it is some honor to do a “hot†teacher at 13 has some type of emotional(possibly immaturity) problem. Most of you are probably low life cyber stalkers that have nothing better to do than sit here and root a child on! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I’m astounded that I am one of the few that is appalled at this circumstance; however, my intelligence most likely surpasses those of you. It is so apparent that this is VERY WRONG and I would highly recommended “those of you†that can’t decipher that seek professional help immediately!
MC, 19"
I find this posters comments interesting. This person seems to be accusing everyone who differs with their opinion to be emotionally immature, unintelligent and cyber-stalkers. That is amusing since most of the world doesn't see woman/boy sex in the same light as Man/girl sex. If you need proof look at the sentences that a man gets in comparison to a woman in the same kind of cases. The argument of the boy being emotionally secure is a perilous argument because emotional security might never come. I know plenty of 35 yo that are not emotionally healthy. That doesn't even speak to the fact that sex doesn't have to have a heavy emotional connection. If you don't believe that ask any college student that "hooks up" at a club. Most men actually begin having sex or sexual feelings at 11-13 and are driven by them for the rest of their lives even if they are emotionally immature. As to the "wrongness" that the poster states, it is relative to your circumstances. I know as I had a sexual encounter with an older woman (a manager at work)when I was 15 and it didn't "scar" me. Though my wife thanks her for some of the training she gave me.
True to what you are saying, but dont you think that this was the posters whole point of saying how messed up the society is these days?
She's hot, he's lucky.
"True to what you are saying, but dont you think that this was the posters whole point of saying how messed up the society is these days?"
I hate to look through the glasses of moral relativism, but only the religous beliefs that many have seem to make consentual sex a bad thing. We still have sodomy laws against gays in this country that are enforced.
I am not saying that society doesn't have its issues or shouldn't protect its youth, but lets make sure we are protecting them not scarring them more by using the term "rape" for consentual sex or identifying something as wrong when it very likely was simply sex.
Anonymous said...
When I was about 15, my friend's mom hit on me. While at the time it would have seemed like a great thing, I know now that it would have done damage to me that would have lasted a lifetime. I'm glad I didn't do her, although now I sometimes fantasize about it. I did enough stupid and destructive things later without adding that to it. I would have been a real mess later if I had started doing her at that age.
I know what you mean man. I was such a screw up and I think if I started that young I wouldn't be here today.
I am not saying that society doesn't have its issues or shouldn't protect its youth, but lets make sure we are protecting them not scarring them more by using the term "rape" for consentual sex or identifying something as wrong when it very likely was simply sex.
Rape is such a controversial term used wrongly all the time, but we can't overshadow its wrongness either. Whether or not anyone is making it an issue in this case. I for one believe 13 is too young to make any grown up decision such as consenting sex. I don’t believe they can decipher what is really okay and what isn’t.
Rape is such a controversial term used wrongly all the time, but we can't overshadow its wrongness either. Whether or not anyone is making it an issue in this case. I for one believe 13 is too young to make any distinction
Sick People!
to the people who think that boy is lucky answer me this.would your views be any different if it was a 13yr old girl and a male teacher? be honest now!
None of this makes sense.
Hey y'all,
Does anyone know if he railed her in the butt.
you know IDB. (in da butt)
"Rape is such a controversial term used wrongly all the time, but we can't overshadow its wrongness either. Whether or not anyone is making it an issue in this case. I for one believe 13 is too young to make any grown up decision such as consenting sex. I don’t believe they can decipher what is really okay and what isn’t."
Interesting, the government seems to think your 13 yo daughter is adult enough to consent to get an abortion or have any medical procedure and you can't be informed.,2933,155326,00.html So, we don't think she can consent to the sex that got her pregnant but we do think she is capable of making a decision that I think scars you much deeper than a sexual fling.
All good thoughts. I think it IS different if the situation is reversed. The reason is intimidation: A 13 yo boy is probably still physically as large or larger than the woman he sleeps with (just leave out any emotional state of mind for a minute), and so the woman can't force it (for you ladies, if a boy is too nervouse or afraid, he wouldn't be able to get hard in the first place and rape would be impossible). This means that if intercourse took place, the boy was into it enough to get an erection, suggesting participation on the physical AND emotional level. Now an older man can a) force a young, small girl to have sex AND b) can intimidate that girl to not only participate but also scare her enough to keep quiet, hence they need more protection from the law. Men and women are NOT the same emotionally or physically, so you can't say "well what if it was a young girl and an adult male.." It just doesn't work like that. Perhaps 13 IS a bit young, but is 15? So How do you draw the line at 17 or 18? LEt's see, I can be 18, join the army and get shot and killed, but I still can't but a beer? I can make a decision to put my life in danger, but yet I can't get drunk (and possibly put my life in danger.) And how about buying cigarettes? My point is that each case should be handled separately and the emotional capacity of each person in the case should be measured by psycologists. Did you see that the boy's mother hoped that charges were not brought? (the teacher was a family friend) The translation people, is that this Mom KNOWS that her son wanted this and was probably telling his Mom not to prosecute (it was the state that brought the charges) and his MOm probably feels that he COULD handle sex with an older woman. Parental opinion should also be considered. Ever see a classroom of 8th graders? Some kids look young and immature, some look and act much older. Every kid is different. We can't make a black and white law on this: Case by Case basis is the only way to go. She's not a "sick bitch" in the dirty sense, though she may indeed have her own emotional problems that drove her to which case the state is stupid to lock her in jail when what she really needs is psychiatric help! Believe me, as a male I KNOW that this kid won't have any emotional problems, and was probably bragging to his friends daily. He should have kept his mouth shut.
The above post is Spot on. Cheers.
I'd pound her harder than my snare!!! sick bitch?? how about tom cruise being a "sick dick?" count the age between him and holmes, and you get pamela rogers and that kid...
Yup, all sick people
I woulda did that blonde beezy doggy style as she did my homework, then slap her across the face with my 13 year old dick becuase she was stupid enough to become a teacher in the first place. Then when i was through with her i would go down and pound that librarian down the hall.
I agree with the majority. This chick is hot as hell. Any straight 13 year old boy would luv to be with a woman like that. Any man would luv 2 be with a woman like that. The only way the kid is gonna be traumatized is if he's gay. Otherwise, he's a normal, adolescent boy who probably had a crush on her anyway. Damn, i wish i had his luck. Damn,i wish i had her. 9 months 2 wait i guess.
I would stick my pipe so far up in her it wouldn't have been an issue. As A 13 yr old we daydream about a teacher putting it out for us. cheers to the kid.
I agree with the sane people out there, at thirteen or even today in my mid thirties, I would do her again and again and again. That is the luckiest boy in the US.
She is HOT!!! and should never again be allowed to work with children under 18 in any capacity and should also be required to get psychiatric counseling. The decision to take legal action should be left up to the boy. He is described as a "sports star" so he's most likely physically desirable also.
As has been mentioned before, this is a classic fantasy straight out of Penthouse Letters. "I never thought this would happen to me..."
Lots of men and women are screwed up for reasons other than sexual encounters at a young age. This kid may also end up whacky but not due to anything he did with this babe. The publicity will do much more damage.
He is now a member of a very exclusive club.
You guys are right! Super hot! I think I'm gonna need to jerk off to some of these pix of Pam now! Those who say it's sick are only denying their true feelings.
Oh yeah, and one more thing. She's even wearing the same thing as in the Van Halen video in the WCW pix!
Moral relativism has no absolutes so everyone does what is right in their own eyes. Is it possible that the scar of this event will keep this boy from being faithful to a wife for the rest of his life? Will his wife wonder who he is looking at during their sexual ralations for the next twenty years or so? Will this boy be able to equate love with sex or will sex always be just something done for recreation? Will he be able to be faithful to his wife in years to come? As he goes into high school, will the other students ever respect him or just see him as the one who did the teacher in 8th grade? Will respectful girls ever be intereseted in him or will he have to gain the attention of the slutty ones who may be fun for once but not good marrying types? When he goes for a job in his town, will he have the respect of the townspeople who will know who he is and what he did? Will respectful parents want this boy dating their daughters? How will this boy feel in years to come knowing that he had a part in causing the divorce of a once happy man and wife? Yes, she was the adult and yes she should have stopped this event. Are the consequences of her actions worth the few minutes of fun with 13 year old? Is she happy to spend time in jail, to lose her right to teach ever again, to waste all of her college money and training never allowed to be around children again? Is she happy to have lost her husband for ever? Is she glad to live with the reproach that she is going to live with for the rest of her life? Are her parents going to be happy about this come family times? Is this going to bring a cohesion to this woman's life? She is far more than body parts. She is a person who is going to live on this earth until her body parts are old and wrinkly. This event will stay with her in shame until she dies. Was this really a good thing for either her or the boy?
The problem with doing what is right in your own eyes is that you act without wisdom. (Wisom is the ability to look farther in life than your feelings of the moment.) Then when the decision is made and the event is over the consequences cannot be predicted and usually outweigh the fun of the event. Hers did, so did his. This is not about how disreable she is nor how lucky he is. This is about two lives who are going to have regrets for years to come.
She is hot. I wish I had a teacher like her when I was in school.
so if I was lets say 25 and she was 13 , would you still fill it was ok >?
I respect and appreciate, but don't agree with, those individuals who have some sort of thoughtful commentary abouut how and why this act is wrong. It was a bad thing for MAYBE all who was involved, especially the husband, but she is hot and to a very real extent the kid is lucky: he will be seen as a "stud" in his town, especially if he is a sports star, girl's families will be proud that their daughters are dating such a popular boy. He gets the best of this issue, whether or not it does turn out to be a bad expieriance. Fact of the matter is though: most of us are unprepared for our first sexual encounter men or women, unless we are 18 when it occurs, it is rarely a great or memorable thing. To all those who just matter of factly and succintly say: "Sick people", you guys are thoughtless ideological robots, spewing the mantras of your mindless indoctrination into what ever moral club you have joined. At least provide arguement. Also, no one is claiming that it would be OK if the sexes were reversed, we're all perfectly cognizant of the double standard and such a double standard should rightly exist.
The nutty girl was wrong to hump the kid. She basically got what she deserved. The kid, however, is still awfully lucky in a number of ways and maybe not so lucky in one or two.
I was 13 when I had my first sexual encounter with a 29 year old man. It was fully consensual.I continued being sexually active with a variety of boys and men throughout Jr High, HS and college. I am now 47 and have been happily married for 25 years and have two teenage boys. People don't want to recognize that humans reach sexual maturity just after adolescence. People in general are too hung up about sexual prohibitions, they need to take a look at the rest of the animal kingdom.
Hopefully you guys that root for the kid and the teacher will someday have several daughters who "do" their hot male teacher. Talk to me then and lets see your liberal point of view....or maybe your more mature doubel-standards
I don't think this is a liberal/conservative issue. I know there are a million people who get off on making everything a battle between so called "liberals" and "conservatives" but I don't think it applies here. Tennessee is a conservative state, that state sentanced the woman to nine months, which is hardly a severe punishment. In fact, I believe the more liberal point of view is that of the bleeding heart child advocate, it seems to me the more "conservative" thing to say is "what's wrong with the boy gettin' a little tail".
Plus we are acknowledging a double standard. Most believe that this act between a boy and a woman is far different than the same act between a girl and a man. Therefore, your reference to your hopes that those who "root" for the woman and the boy have our 13 year old girl have sex with a hot male teacher is about as relevant as saying "I hope your first born is killed by a unicorn". It just doesn't apply.
She's so hot !!! I would love to
give her a good bare ass spanking,
over the knee for being such a
naughty bitch.Teach that teacher
a good lesson. Anyone have a
paddle ???
To the guy that says he had years of depression because of the incident with a older teen girl.
Give me a break .
I left home at 14 thumbed the country and have similar stories and well well beyond anything that your little suburbian troubles could relate too. From a girlfriend being murdered to all kinds of crap.
I dealt with it and moved on.
Depression what a load of bullshit.
Deal with it move on ..
Depression is for ,liberals . and whiny losers.
Oh yea maybe go get some legal government drugs (Prozac ,lithium, ect ect ..) Bah
Yes ... I agree ... she is HOT and at 13 if I saw her and was sexually active in my mind I would have am sure ... But she really does have a problem to be 27 ( married ) and want a 13yr old boy ... what are the details ... if they were doing it several times as the papers say ... well then she wasn't raping him and it appears that the boy knew what he was doing and wanted it ... is that not obvious ? yes true he is 13 and she should know better ... *MORALLY and ETHICALLY" it ( and she ) is very wrong ... but there are 2 sides to every story ... as a 34yr old male ... all I can say is YES she is VERY attractive and had I met her on the street and got to know her under normal circumstances ... I would be FUCKING her in a heartbeat ... she is a HOT vibrant 27yr old OBVIOUSLY HORNY slut cheating on her husband who must not have been satisfying her sexually obviously ...
The husband is the one that will be scared for life. The teacher got what she deserved. And the boy, is still the luckiest S.O.B. on the planet!
Adultery was committed by both the 13 year old and the 27 year old. When I was 13 and fumbling around with girl’s bra straps, it would have scared the hell out of me if an ADULT wanted to have sex with me. It scares me now that I have a 15 year old Son and an 8 year old daughter. I just hope people can realize that 15-33% of girls are molested before they are 18 and 12-25% boys are. Understanding that the mindset of a 13 year old may be sexually driven, he may have problems in his future especially if he feels regret for what "he" thinks he did to her. Also, if he becomes a Christian, now he has sinned against God. Yes, I know he can ask for forgiveness and receive grace, but "he" must confess and feel the pain and embarrassment of what he has done. It saddens me to see so many cheering this on. There are many publications that I could recommend you read about repressed memories and sexual abuse if any one of you needs them. For those who have a Sexual Addiction, I would recommend reading "Out of the Shadows" by Patrick Carnes, PhD (Third Edition)
Why do we have to encourage every teenager to be sexually active? Why do we have to hide the guilt of immorality in a culture of promiscuity? Do you guys mean that you never feel guilt for any fornicating or adultrous act that you have ever done? Have these sexual events really made you a better person for life? Are you more prepared to raise your children because you were a stud in your school? Alot of guys have responded on this blog. How about the women? Are they happy about this wishing they had a lucky 13 year old to "do?" I am having trouble believeing that there will be no problems for this boy in years to come. Yes, he can learn to get over them, but will he want to lead a monogomous life with a wife after this episode and probably more to follow? Will he look at his wife with this teachers face in his mind and is that a good thing?
I am asking you men out here to think with your brain not your crotch for the welfare of this boy for life. Is this going to be a good thing for him in years to come?
If it all good, how come she is in jail and will never be able to practice her profession of teaching again? This cannot be a good thing unless we just do what is good for us at the moment with no thought of what it means to any body else at any other time.
I absolutely agree with you. This Child is going to have problems. If he looks at his wife and sees his teacher’s face and fantasizes about it, that’s as bad as committing adultery.
We should not be encouraging our children to be sexually active unless they are married. I personally have felt guild for pre-marital sex and sex with the other women before my wife. Now, we’ve been married for going on 18 years and I would have no other! My wife was abused as a child and is currently in therapy for this. This is causing numerous problems with her health and mind. I only wish this was found out sooner that this happened so it could have been stopped. My wife only started remembering the abuse after 25 years. When you say “he can learn to get over them”, did you mean stuff the feelings or repress? This Child is going to need professional therapy to help him deal with his feelings about this. Personally I loathe her conduct, and as a teacher in a position of authority over her students, she had the power. The Child did not.
Finally, I believe she should spend a long time in jail and in therapy. She is a sexual predator. She should be tracked for life.
She only got 9 months? If the genders were reversed...the guy would have gotten at least 15 years! As for Pamela...when she gets out she can easily demand $250K from Playboy...then Penthouse, then of course Hustler. She can never teach grade school again...but college is still open. Maybe she doesn't want to be a teacher anymore! My guess is that here marriage was on the rocks before she engaged in this escapade with a 13 y.o. I believe there are plenty of men out there who dream of getting a young virgin that they could "teach". Why would it be so different for the woman to entertaint the idea of "teaching" a young virgin male? We don't know anything about this young boy. Was it consensual or was it forced? How did the DA pick-up the case?
I became "involved" with several high school aged "babysitters" when I was in grade school. I don't believe I've been scarred for life! Those are rather fun memories! I think this kid of stuff goes on a lot more than we hear about! People have fantasies and act on them. Only time will tell who the victim is. My personal belief is that this incident should never have made it to the national level! The media will use anything to sell papers. I can't even believe that I'm responding here! Aren't there more important things to do with our time? Have you pulled up to the gas pump lately and looked at the prices? We've got problems! Health care, housing, employment, sky-rocketing real estate prices, drugs, an idiot for a President and Arnold as a Governor!
So what! The teacher and the young boy got caught. Let's move on and let them move on, too!
I'm in the camp with the rest of the normal guys.
If I was in school and she hit on me, I'd have been all over that again and again and again.
She's a babe and that's all my adolescent nether regions would have cared about.
Scarred for life? How about given the biggest confidence boost ever?
Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
All I can say is that I wish I had had a teacher that looked like Pamela teach me the facts of life...what a lucky kid!
Knowing her husband growing up I feel that not only did she destroy that boys life but also her ex-husbands.
She is very hot ! When I was 14 I had sex with a sub teacher . She was 22 . I loved every minute of it !That kid and her are very stupid . Pics of her nude must be on the net ?
If I was 13, I would have filled her belly with straight 100% marrow pudding. Aardvarking her with every inch of my early adolesence tool shaft. I would minge blitz her bearded clam. I would have pile-driven my meat bus straight into tuna town and crashed into her cervix. I think we should all chip in and get her an airbag for her cervix, she's gonna need it after she gets out. She will get more dick than woman I know. Untill then, I will conspire on giving her a 1.5 ounce nuprin injection when she gets out. How about some black meat to tear dat shit up!
I wanted to add from my last post a few minutes ago. It probably felt so fucking good to him, why the hell would he want to press charges??? Why didn't he keep his mouth shut or none of this would be going on. He would probably be diving for pearls as we speak, playing cars and garages, getting some stank on the hang low, doing a lewd infusion, making a deposit, getting his lizard drained, allowing his godzilla to attack tiny town between her legs, crashing his custard truck inside her...ect.
He's a big fucking mouth, and I know the only emotional scarring he will have from this is knowing he could have stayed with her. He's probably sitting in bed jerking off right now, trying to replicate the feeling of her wet well trained pussy on his now lonesome meat rod. But he blew it BIG TIME. He will also feel guilt.
I'd like to add, whether me being 13 or my age now, I doubt i'd last 2 fucking minutes with her. It would feel so damn good, I would bust a nut quickly. I know many other guys on her will admit that also. Someone that hot would instantly milk my pit viper dry of any venom it might be saving for later uses. My balls would shoot the wads of projectile spunk out so hard, it would equal the energy of a nuclear bomb, my balls would probably implode from the pressure of shooting out the spunk so hard. I could probably shoot a bulls eye from 100 yards away in that case.
DAMN, I WANT PAMELA TO SHOW ME THE SKINS WHEN SHE GETS OUT. Now I go jack off in the shower with my printed picture of her in her very sexy suit.
Yes, I will say she is an attractive young women. But she is still wrong for doing that. He is a baby compared to her and therfore he is NOT ready for anything of that nature. she took advantage of his ignorance and she should be ashamed of herself. there is no reason why this women shouldnt get as much time as a male would. But it's so much different when it comes to women. thats sad. it's pitiful that you people are on here talking about how lucky this little boy is. thats sick. i doubt that he is looking at this as being something he is proud of. if he enjoyed it he wouldnt have said anything. he wouldve denied it. he's a baby she is a grown women she deserves longer than what she got. and for all you nasty ignorant men go put your dicks in a blender. i wonder how you would feel if it were your own child.
How about I give you a 1.5 ounce double shot of nuprin for calling us nasty men who put our dicks in blenders.
I will tell you that the majority of males on here, INCLUDING myself would have kept our mouths shut. We would have enjoyed it. It probably would have been the best time of my life. He's an idiot for telling, cause he blew it.
Hopefully, she can trust this 22 year old not to tell. I will help her when she gets out of jail. She can even touch my no-no spot if she wants. I will feel no different from a normal 13 year old. Hell, if that does happen, my anaconda will very much come alive. If she wants to say hi to my monster, choke my bishop, chaffe my carrot, play peter in the rabbit hole; i'll be more than happy to oblige.
Nothing turns me on more than seeing some girl like her with MY pubic hair in her teeth. She can use my pubes as tooth floss. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give her a 9.9. Nobodys perfect, so I gave her the highest rating possible since no ones perfect. ;)
Would you fill her up with your marrow pudding? I would jack off on her clit and watch the thick gooey spunk ooze it's way down her ass crack, then i'd ram her hard and have another earth shattering orgasm just for ramming a slippery pussy.
The kid should still be playing with the lego's from his little brother, only recently beginning to feel strange thingies in his tummy when he looks at some girl in his class. That's what it's supposed to be like.
you men are disgusting. yeah and i agree with mama, put your dicks in blenders you nasty fucks. that nasty bitch deserves the ultimate punishment. cant get a man so she decieves a little boy.
Yeah, shes damn good looking. Yummy. Where was she when I was thirteen. Wow. And just imagine how her husband feels. My god. Even people in the Tsunami Crisis were like..."ohhh, hes got it bad."
Yeah, she definetly is hot. Wish she was around when I was thirteen to play with my "ruler". Anyways, just imagine how her husband feels. Even people who were involved in that Tsunami Crisis were like..."Ohhh, hes got it bad."
I bettcha the kid wanted that night as much as most of us do. He aint gonna suffer man...
shes sick. thats the bottem line. if that was a man it would be SO diffrent. shes getting over. she needs to spend a large portion of her time behind bars. she deserves everything she is getting. she doesnt need to be aroud children. look what she does! it doesnt matter if he agreed or not. he is a little boy and she is a grown women. she knows better.
All you stupid men need to get castrated so that you're not molesting your kids or letting your kids get molested. sick fucks.
I have been reading many of the comments here and I thought I would post again on the subject. First to all of the women out there that have the desire to see all of the men who don't see a problem with the situation and would like those men to put their penises in a blender, I have this to say, first off you are women, you act, think, and respond differently than a man does. Many of you have a victim mentality toward sex as is obvious by the desire to see men castrated. Also, You are by nature a nurturer which is good, but a mother often doesn't see things as the Father does. I am sure that your husbands agree with you in your evaluation of the situation, but secretly they probably root for the kid as well and only agree with you so that you will give them their 3.5 sexual encounters a month.
There are many of you that also espouse religious guilt for sexual acts. To those people, I must tell you that not everyone is a christian or will become a Christian. Plus when you are baptized your sins are forgiven, blotted out, remembered no more by God. That is the miricle of baptism for a chrisitan. You don't have to feel guilty about past sin as God has forgiven you. If you feel guilty then you don't believe that God was powerful enough to was away those sins or you believe that he is not capable of forgiving you, like we humans are prone to do.
Finally to those that seem to have great consern for the boys well being in the future, I say this: There is no way of knowing what the future holds for this young man. With infidelity a common place activity in this country, it would be a spurious argument to link infidelity with this one event. How will the parents and others react to the boy, he is a star athlete and well known. So he will get the special treatment that we give celebrities in this country. Look at Paris Hilton, she didnt become anything till her sex tape came out. Now she is a "star." The boy will date and go on to be probably as well adjusted as the rest of us. His life has not been as hard as it could be and many have had much harder lives and became great people. So only time will tell, and as many have stated a sexual encounter as a young man/boy is simply not as damaging as one might think, as boys tend to enjoy it and think of it as a good thing.
In short our own sexual prejudices conflict with the realities of nature which is it is less traumatic and by degree for a male of ANY age to engage in sex than it is for a female.
For each person the reaction is individualized. Age of course is a factor. We make the first generalization according to age. Even so, it is obvious that not all 18 year olds can handle sexual intercourse. This is more true of females than males. A second important generalization can be made between the two sexes as males and females approach sex differently, hence the society's double standard. Ergo, the double standard is not arbitrary even though many find it morally reprehensible.
Many 13 year old boys that had her as a teacher would be sexually fantasizing about her and masturbating to those fantasies.
More 13 year old males will be able to enjoy sex with someone of any age than a female.
Furthermore, the age of the partner can also be largely irrelevant. The relevance is based on moral prejudice. In fact an older partner can have the experience and believe it or not the maturity to be gentle and caring where a young male for example simply wants to get head and mount the mound as it were.
I had sex with a friend's mother when I was 13 or so and she was in her mid or early forties. The seduction was mutual. She was a mature warm caring sexual goddess. I was a super hormone horny young walking hard on. It was and remains to this day a beautiful, erotic and thoroughly enjoyable experience. I do not regret it to this day and remember it quite fondly. In fact interestingly it remains the most erotic experience of my life.
It surpasses the time I at fifteen when I found myself in bed with two fifteen year od girls one of which I was mad about and she eagerly let me feel her up everywhere. However damaging statutory rape is or isn't doesn't it, by the way and that depends on the individual, it is not in the same category as nonconsensual sex. Get that? Do not confuse your entitled prurient religious or self imposed attitudes towards sex with then reality of nature.
Another example is how society and I expect many of the outraged on this blog find the idea of sex between a 20 year old man and an 80 year old woman sick. Now you are entitled to find it disgusting but I must point t out that it is not necessarily sick. Perennially i find sex between ugly people disgusting but that doesn't make it sick does it.
Sex for young males, whatever it entails, involve incidences of emotional trauma across the board than it is for females.
Also, the poor soul that thinks depression is the province of the liberal sensibility alone is a schmuck.
Incidentally. Jail or therapy. She broke the law she goes to jail. Does it make sense to put her in jail or to see that she gets treatment. Treating her will avail nothing. Firstly, aside from the factor that she broke a law we must agree that she has a condition that needs treatment. Secondly, we must understand whether she has a condition that twill respond to treatment. She does not. if she is sexually wired so that having sex with 13 year old boys is where she sexually lives than yiou can no more treat that than you can treat a man who loves big breasts or a woman who just loves to go down on other women. In all of these cases the cure is more damaging and ineffectual.
That is why it is a mistake to allow sexual predators out of jail. Is she a sexual predator? That is for society to determine. Correctly or otherwise. As for therapy, is the BTK killer a sexual predator? Do you think I could therapize him into normalcy? Dream on.
I think She can have sex with who she want, but not a 13 y/o boy from her school. I'm a man and of course I'd loved to have switched my life with that boy for just a day (that special day :) but let's think about this: If it happens with one of my 3 little daughters at the school? Certanly I will try to make my own justice with the teacher... Hot Teachers, please leave the kids and choose a man outside the school.
Well when I was 14 I got it on with a supervisor where I worked.. and she wasn't HALF as hot as this "sick bitch"! I wasn't traumatized at all.. They probably only got caught cause he was braggin his ass off on bangin the HOTTEST CHIC IN TOWN! What some of you don't realize is a LOT of kids that age are already sexually active (boys AND girls). Now ff she FORCED him (I don't really see how or WHY she would force him- but I wan't there) then its rape! But you can't tell me the the star athlete in this small town wasn't gettin major ass already!
Man, where was she at when I was in Grade school.
I just spewed yellow custard cream from my sweaty penis. Ever smell crotch smell from sweating all day. It's a sweet aromatic smell. I rubbed that on my chest, as well as the yellow cum. I pretended her breasts and slender body was slipping against mine. I jacked off 2 times in 10 minutes. My nuts hurt from the pressure of it shooting out. God Damn, she could take her wishbone and slide it over my fat black cock any day. I'll pump my negro juice in her twat any day. I am 14 and I would love to be this guy.
To all the two-faced "Christians" who feel it's OK to pass judgement on these two: That's not your place. That is for your god to do. If they were wrong, then they will be punished in the afterlife, so pipe down. as for me: you're goddamn right I envy the little bastard. I'm thirty seven, and I've never fucked a girl as hot as her.
And do you know why you've never hit it off with a beautiful women before? because you're a faggot. and women want "real" men. not retarded fag's being jelous of some little boy. HAHAHA you guys suck!
wow lets just say, least at 14 when i lost my virginity it was a beautiful girl :) and she was 18 :D *tear* in my eye and it was beautiful
OMG wat lucky Boy i i give a hand to found ''this sick bitch fucking with me''
"Well when I was 12 I had a neighbor that was an older girl who on several occasions pressured me into sexual activities. I was in no way, shape or form, emotionally ready for anything like that and for the years to follow my childhood, I had severe depression as well as countless hours of therapy."
That's because your gay. Didin't your therapist tell you that? What a terrible professional.
si isch voll geil, wör ere gad d'möse legge
Not all but most 13 year old boys would have given their left nut to bang that lovely teacher. The poster's with serious sexual hang-ups from religious or other odd forces bearing down on them since they were young are likely the major dissenters. Throw in the gay women, and freaks and complete idiots who preach to the choir and then look at child porn when no one is looking and you have the majority of the complaints.
Facts? 90 percent of boys would have gladly done her, and never felt a twinge for the rest of their life, and theose who would have problems would have found some other issue to cloud their pathetic life. I lost my virginity at 14 to a neightbor and then found other women who were into younger men. When I got older the women I met all appreciated the knowledge I carried, and that I always made sure my partner got off. Sadly, too many ladies have to fake it for their men because they never learned to give as well as they take in sex.
I have a little brother who just tunred 14 and if i ever found out that a girl much older had sex with him... that bitch would get the ultimate punishment from me. that women is a nasty whore who needs to spend a long time in jail. shes a fucking child molester regardless if shes a model or not. point blank. i hope she spends every waking moment of her life in shame.
When I was in school me and my classmates fantasized daily about having sex with our teacher. It was part of growing up. We live in a hypocritic society. This poor 30-year old woman has committed no crime and should not be punished. Remember you cannot clap with one hand.
To the comment above:
you may not be able to clap with one hand, but you can sure make a nice sound by slapping your ASS!!!
God bless the teacher! I remember sitting in my desk in middle- school trying to hide my boner from hot teachers like that. It's a great learning experience. I'm 30 now and addicted to sex in every way. Maybe had I gotten more as a kid I wouldn't be so hard-up for it all the time.
The authorities should leave her alone she's done a young man and at least both had fun.
That's simple arithmetic: hot teacher + horny student = intercourse
To all "this sick bitch" women: You'r ugly, old and nobody is gonna bang you including your fat husband.
To all "i'm mentally disordered because a sweet girl looked at me when i was 12" fruitcakes: You are fucking fags and you like to have dicks in your arse and so don't be jealous someone has experiences you unfortunatly never made (with a MALE Teacher of course)
love to eat her pussy while she teaches and when everyone is gone to fuck her in that awesome asshole of hers
ahhhh...the insecure opposing females typing their disgust, always worrying that one day an attractive woman like this may come and take away with their loving husbands. thoughts often clouded by emotion rather than logic.
don't worry ladies, it's perfectly natural to be jelous when you see a threat to your marriage.
now to be honest I wouldn't mind if my son had a similar experience, in fact I'd congradulate him as long as he had safe sex. It's a much different situation for my daughter though...
For starters.. If I was 13 and had sex with that... Id never tell anyone.. Id love that forever...
why didnt teachers look like that when I was in school?
Second.. everyone talks about being so young and innocent...
listen to Dave Chapelle..
He makes one of the greatest points ever regarding that...
we can try a 13 year old as an adult for killing someone accidentially doing a wrestling move.. but a 13 year old is too young for sex? send a 13 year old to death row but a 13 year old cant get a blow job? doesnt make sense to me either.
Your guys are so dumb. I have known her for years and she knew better than this. Her family and community are the one's suffering for this. She need's to grow up.
Hey girls! I'd do her in a heart beat. WHo is the 20 year old straight girl that would do her? She can get in touch with me in the mean time. Just let me know my cell # is (931)335-32** just try a few #'s and if The Total Package answers then you're in luck!
i would of done it with her.
and then sew her bitch ass.
I'd eat that pussy til I drowned in it
women admit to having sex just for pleasure and adventure at a higher rate than in previous years …
I'm sure she got railed every which a way! Which is good!
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